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Values for a Restorative Justice Model

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The Way of the New Backbone of Justice

Upright Determination.
Compassionate Responding.
Transformative Movement.

Assessing what is Crooked/Wrong/Off.
Acknowledging the Pain as a Symptom.
Straightening Out that which is Off-Base.
Precise Correction.
Solid Structures.
Supportive Surrounding Structures.

Honoring the Interconnectedness of the Whole Body.
Adjusting Adjacent Parts to the Main Problem.
Establishing a Balanced Foundation.
Knowing that Change Can Hurt a Little along the Way.
So Can Staying Stuck out of Alignment with Wellbeing.
Discerning between Discomfort of Change vs. the Pain of Harm.
Watching for the Impact of an Intervention Over Time.

To break free of the current shackles of our broken systems, we

The criminal justice system in the United States has a history rooted in colonization, control, extraction, deprivation of human dignity and freedom, with emphasis on ownership of land and people at the hands of cruelty and inexpressible abuse against humanity.

It is impossible to separate this system from its historic roots in order to do any Justice to a review of where we are based upon how we got here.

These abusive, oppressive, extractive, dehumanizing intentions behind the original systems of policing and imprisoning important from other lands with a history of doing things in this kind of manner was not always a way in which societies acted amongst their people on the soil of this continent.

In order to comprehend the significance of where we have been and how we got here, that must first be acknowledged.

As we acknowledge that fully, we can begin to start to unravel the through-line of the abuse and corruption in terms of human dignity and decency, as well as the warp in how what the US has heretofore done stands in contrast to what might be possible in other structures of societal management of harm-doing, misdeeds, violence, and so forth in less traumatized and traumatizing cultures than what this culture has stemmed from, both in the formation of this nation and in the regions of these inherited trauma-based symptoms from where they were imported as strategies for forming rules that peoples imported and adapted from other wounded places in the world.

Can you imagine making judgment calls about actions you are permitted to take on behalf of your medical care, capacity to work, family decisions, and without any regard for how factors such as finances impact your ability to provide according to the best of your ability for the developmental needs of your children.

With little you can do about it, and constant threats of losing the remaining freedom to live outside of incarceration revoked, for something as trivial as being 15 minutes late to a meeting or overlooking completing paperwork over small details completely unrelated to any criminal activity while you were actually making best efforts to take care of those who depend on you.

High expectations with low support can lead to burnout, stress, and other negative outcomes:
Burnout: When expectations are high but control is low, it can lead to burnout.
Stress: Setting expectations that are too high can lead to stress.
Low self-esteem: Children raised by authoritarian parents, who have high expectations but low warmth, may have lower self-esteem.
Rebellion: Children raised by authoritarian parents may rebel against authority as they grow up.
Fear of intimacy: Expecting too much of others can lead to a fear of intimacy.
Giving up: When people fall short of expectations, they may become concerned about what others think and give up.
High expectations can be beneficial when they lead to increased effort, persistence, and better performance. However, it's important to make sure that expectations are clear and that there is enough support to meet them.

The main difference between authoritative and authoritarian parenting is the way parents set limits and boundaries for their children:
Parents are nurturing, responsive, and supportive, but also set firm limits and expectations. They use reasonable rules, explain them, and discuss them with their children. They also encourage independence and value their children's opinions. When limits are crossed, authoritative parents use natural consequences to help their children learn.
Parents are rigid and demanding, and use strict rules to control their children. They are less nurturing, and don't allow much flexibility or dialogue. When limits are crossed, authoritarian parents may use inappropriate punishment or humiliation.
Children raised by authoritative parents are often more confident, responsible, and emotionally healthy than children raised by authoritarian parents. They also tend to have higher self-esteem and do well academically.

Authoritarian parenting can have negative outcomes for children, including:
Low self-esteem: Children may have poor self-esteem and feel unimportant.
Social difficulties: Children may have a hard time with social situations and may not be accepted by their peers.
Aggressive behavior: Children may display aggressive behavior outside the home.
Anxiety: Children may conform easily but have anxiety.
Rebellion: Children may rebel against authority figures when they are older.
Antisocial behavior: Authoritarian parenting may lead to antisocial behavior as adults.
Poor self-control: Children may lack self-control and become rule-dependent.
Depression: Children may experience depression.
Fewer prosocial behaviors: Children may have fewer prosocial behaviors.
Difficulty managing anger: Children may have a difficult time managing their anger and be very resentful.
Authoritarian parenting is characterized by strict rules, high parental demandingness, and low parental responsiveness. Authoritarian parents are often critical of their children and may punish mistakes

People face extremely poor living conditions in practically every jail and prison, which negatively impacts their odds of success upon release, their families, and public health at large. Routine failure to provide for the medical needs of incarcerated people is harmful (even deadly) for those inside, and strains family resources and healthcare infrastructure after they’re released — and nearly everyone will eventually be released. Poor nutrition compounds health problems, as does contaminated water, pests, and exposure to extreme heat and cold. The physical and psychological effects of incarceration, including the PTSD-like Post-Incarceration Syndrome, make it harder to maintain employment and housing, trapping people in cycles of incarceration. Put simply, when people are released from prison, their health and wellbeing are intertwined with that of the community, so the harms visited upon them inside impact everyone.

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Transforming Justice

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Please consider supporting these efforts to help us make certain that the
current punitive orientation of the probation system becomes a thing of the past,
paving an emerging future for rehabilitative, regenerative, restorative modes of justice.

Copyright © 2024 by Backbone of Justice Project for Probation Reform. All Rights Reserved.

Empathy - pain simulator device

Humanizing: terms "probationer" "offender"
"Ship him back" - where did the ship come from?

Replacing reckless disregard for the actual quality of life and ability to thrive with supportive structures - like how the soft tissue muscles support the structure of the spine. without both the structure of the spine (basic conditions of probation such as the need to live a life that orients away from the criminal history and towards pro-social lifetyle...) with also the conditions that promote flexibility and movement in order for progress to be made by the person...


SECTION on probation reform focusing on rehabilitative approaches and evidence-based strategies vs. punitive mentalities which create downward spirals of functioning and capacity to orient one's life in a hopeful direction.

Describe the despair and the obstacles and stumbling blocks, especially when the decisions being made are counter to the person's ability to function on exactly the metrics that would lead to success in putting one's life back together.

The downside of all that is destroyed...needing to be better supported towards uplift otherwise people are not in a position to succeed after probation.